FUKUSHIMA, through the Eyes of Children [Part1/4]: "How the Disaster Transformed Me"/子どもたちが見た福島[Part1/4]「価値観を変えた3.11」

2012-05-20 1

This video is the first part of a web media program webcasted by OurPlanet-TV(http://www.ourplanet-tv.org/?q=node/287) on January 2, 2012, as its new year's special edition. The original title of this program is "What Will Our Future Be?: Nuclear Power Plants and Radiation Seen through the Enes of Children."

I translated some parts of the program and created a series of 4 short subtitled videos:
Part 1/4: "How the Disaster Transformed Me" (this video)
Part 2/4: "Looking Back on 2011" http://dai.ly/JsYC3e
Part 3/4: "Children's Opinion Poll" http://dai.ly/JYda7W
Part 4/4: "Let's Go to A Nuke Plant" http://dai.ly/JtvdFS

Translation and captioning by tokyobrowntabby.